Tesco Food Collection

28–30 November 2024

Support the Tesco Food Collection to help people on the lowest incomes this winter.

Winter can often be the most difficult time of year for people facing hardship, and our food banks are pushed to breaking point as levels of need continue to rise. With more people than ever struggling to afford the essentials, the Tesco Winter Food Collection is crucial in enabling food banks in our network to deliver emergency food and support to people facing hunger.

You can play your part and help your local community – donate food, volunteer your time, or make a financial gift to Trussell during the Tesco Food Collection.

Donate food

To make a donation, head to your local Tesco store, pick up an item or two from the list of your local food bank’s most needed items, and simply hand them to the volunteers or pop them in the collection point.

The items you generously donate during the Tesco Food Collection will help form emergency food parcels to support people facing hardship in your local community.

If you can’t get to a store, please consider making a financial donation instead to help us support food banks this winter. 


Volunteers are an integral part of the Tesco Food Collection, so if you have a couple of hours to spare, please get involved to support your local food bank.

The Tesco collection day is really special. You get hit by a wave of generosity and humanity throughout the day.
Bruce Gardiner-Crehan, South Belfast Foodbank

To support the Tesco Food Collection, food banks across our network are asking people to spare an hour or two of their time to help the collection be as successful as possible.

Whether greeting customers with shopping lists or accepting donations, you’ll be playing a vital role in supporting people facing hardship in your community.

If you’d like to volunteer, please return to this page at the beginning of October where you’ll find information on how you can get involved. Thank you for your patience!

Make a financial donation to Trussell

Help us support food banks and end the need for emergency food in the UK.
Secure payment

Tesco generously makes a financial donation of £1.25m per year to Trussell.