Customer service policy

See our Customer service policy below.

Policy statement

Trussell is committed to ensuring that excellent customer service is a fundamental part of the support we provide. When food banks, referral agencies and members of the public contact us, we will provide a consistent and professional service in an open and accountable way.

You can contact us via the contact us page on our website, via email to, by phoning 01722 580 180 or via letter addressed to Trussell, Unit 9 Ashfield Trading Estate, Ashfield Road, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP2 7HL.

This policy covers the customer service standards set out by Trussell. If you would like to make a comment, compliment or complaint then please visit our Contact us page. Our complaints policy and procedure is covered by a separate policy which can be found here: Complaints policy.

When members of the public contact us, we will:

  • Endeavour to help as far as appropriate
  • Be polite and courteous
  • Be fair and non-judgemental
  • Be compassionate and caring
  • Be friendly and professional

We aim to respond to all emails within 48 hours and provide support 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday. We aim to reply to any voicemails within 48 hours and letters within 5 working days of receipt of the letter.

Zero tolerance policy

Trussell is committed to providing good customer service, but the safety and wellbeing of our staff and volunteers is of paramount importance.

Trussell staff have the right to be treated with dignity and respect and work in a safe environment free from bullying and harassment. We therefore operate a strict no tolerance policy to swearing, shouting and verbal abuse, and we reserve the right to terminate any call or cease contact with anyone who fails to meet these standards.

Trussell has a zero tolerance policy towards abusive language.

What counts as abusive language?

  • Hateful, obscene, offensive, profane, racist, sexual, defamatory, or violent language
  • Any swearing or shouting that our staff judge to be unreasonable
  • Any threat of harm against yourself, our staff or others

We reserve the right to contact the relevant authorities as necessary, if a person is using threats or is repeatedly being abusive.

If you would like to discuss anything in this policy further, then please contact the Network Services Manager on

Data privacy statement

We collate and analyse anonymised data from letters, phone calls and emails so that we can improve the services we provide. We will collect personal information which may include your name and contact details, including postal address, telephone number, email address and social media contact information, in order to be able to signpost you to the most appropriate place to answer your enquiry. We may need to request further information depending on the nature of your enquiry. We have a legitimate interest in holding this information in order to be able to monitor and improve our services.

Information gathered is accessed by Trussell employees and may be shared with advice agencies or professional services firms only if appropriate, for example if your email or phone call relates to safeguarding and we seek guidance as to next steps. Where an enquiry or complaint involves a food bank in our network, we may need to share this information with that food bank.

We may keep details of emails and phone calls for 2 years after your initial enquiry, unless we have a requirement to keep it longer, in which case we will inform you of this. After this time the data will be aggregated and anonymised.