
We want to hear any thoughts or concerns you have about our work.

Please use the form below to give us as much information about your complaint as possible. We will acknowledge your complaint within five working days.

We will not respond to complaints that are threatening, racist or offensive.

Read our complaints policy to see details of how we will handle your complaint.

Complaining about your local food bank

Complaints about a local food bank should be raised with the food bank directly, as all food banks in the Trussell community are independent charities which are regulated separately.

Please be aware that local food banks may have different response times. You can find out the expected response times by requesting a copy of their complaints policy when contacting them.

If you are unable to contact your local food bank directly we may be able to help. Please provide details using the form below.

Making a complaint to Trussell directly

If you would like to make a complaint about the work of Trussell, you can let us know below.

What is your complaint about? *

Your information will be treated as confidential and only used for dealing with your complaint, unless you tell us you’re at risk of harming yourself or the information you provide indicates that someone else is at risk of harm, as then we may need to let relevant people know. The Trussell Trust is committed to protecting the welfare of all people who interact with the organisation and upholding their right to live a life free from harm, neglect or abuse. While we appreciate you may not wish to do so, we would always encourage you to share your contact details when submitting a complaint, so we can follow this up with you to ensure your or someone else’s safety. Read our complaints policy to see details of how we will handle your complaint.

Trussell is committed to protecting your privacy and will process your personal data in accordance with the UK General Data Protection Regulation and DPA 2018. Information you provide in this form, including any special category personal information, will be used by Trussell for the purpose of processing and resolving of your complaint. Our lawful basis for processing your personal information is our legitimate Interest, and where appropriate your consent. Where your complaint relates to a food bank in the network, will share your complaint with the appropriate food bank. If you would like to know more about your data protection rights or how we process your data, please take a look at our Privacy Policy.

If you are unable to submit your complaint in writing, please phone 01722 580 180 (option 1).