Keeping your fundraising safe and legal

Have fun while following the rules!

Here are some tips for avoiding any mishaps and making sure your event runs smoothly. 

Health and safety


If you’re using any equipment for your event, make sure you follow the manufacturer’s instructions and guidelines.


Always check anything that might be a source of problems by doing a risk assessment first.


If your event is going to involve lots of people, make sure there are enough qualified or appropriately briefed people to supervise.

Food hygiene and preparation 

Make sure you follow food hygiene rules for safe preparation, storage, display, and cooking. The last thing you want to do is make people ill – they’ll remember the event for all the wrong reasons!

Medical check-ups 

If an event involves strenuous activities (like running, swimming etc.), you should let people know clearly that a medical check-up is recommended. It’s really important no one is putting themselves or others at risk by attempting something that’s too demanding or even dangerous.

First aid

Where appropriate, it’s a good idea to have a first aider at the ready or even arrange for St. John’s Ambulance to attend your event.

Risk assessment

Risk assessment advice and more can be found online at

Laws and legality

It’s important to remember you might need to consider certain legal rules and regulations when planning your event. We’ve provided some information below to help, but do get in touch via if you have any questions or visit the Institute of Fundraising’s website (

Rules and licenses

Some fundraising events like raffles, lotteries, and competitions with prizes have strict legal rules about how they’re organised and some require licenses. You can find out more at

Local authorities

If you’re holding an event where you’ll be collecting money on the street or running a market stall, for example, make sure you check with your local authority first to make sure you have permission.

Liability and insurance

Trussell cannot accept liability for any loss, damage, or injury suffered by anyone participating in a fundraising event. If needed, you should arrange adequate public liability insurance cover. Remember to include our name and charity number (Registered Charity No. 1110522) on all your publicity material.