20th Feb 2025

Spending Review 2025

Our submission to the Spending Review urges the UK government to stay focused on raising living standards across the UK and directly target the record levels of hunger and hardship holding back progress.

Essentials GuaranteeFood banksLocal governmentMoneySocial security
A mid body shot of a volunteer sitting down speaking to a client

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In June, the Chancellor will announce the outcome of the Spending Review and how much money will be allocated to different UK government departments and programmes. Plans will cover at least the next three years – a major opportunity to provide funding certainty in areas that are vital for tackling hunger and hardship.

Our submission calls on the UK government to adopt the following measures as part of the Spending Review:

  • Introduce a new, multi-year Financial Crisis and Resilience Fund
  • Continue funding for a new approach to employment support
  • Deliver a strong funding settlement for local government 
  • Invest in building 90,000 new social homes in England every year.

We also need to see the following changes to make our social security system fit for purpose at the earliest opportunity:

  • Introduce a protected minimum floor in Universal Credit and an immediate boost to the basic rate
  • Ensure the reform of health and disability benefits creates positive opportunities for disabled people and avoids cutting financial support
  • Scrap the two-child limit
  • Maintain the link between Local Housing Allowance and the 30th percentile of local rents. 
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